The picture is of a baby born LIVING I cant say breathing because he wasn’t but , by the grace of God, at 30 weeks gestation he is LIVING today. He was born with all his fingers and toes. His arms and legs.
What sickens me the most about todays bill passing in New York is that they claim a baby can not feel pain. I am here to tell you otherwise. I set for many long days watching him be poked and prodded on to help SAVE his life and he knew pain. He cried out at every needle poke! He cried out has he laid their with this stomach exposed so he could heal from his surgeries . HE KNEW PAIN!
Today proved one thing to society as a whole and that to me it proved this…..Those two standing hand in hand with it raised in the air celebrating a victory has so quickly forgotten how they got to where they are now. They were BORN. Not ABORTED! they were allowed to live. How can they justify their life and not these others? Did they forget they to were a product of a birth? That they came from a womb? I wonder how they would feel if they were treated they way they passed the bill to today will allow babies to be treated?
We live in a society full of forgetfulness. Those two today who “celebrated” that bill passing have forgotten what it means to be a human and to value that life.
If you are going to be pregnant long enough to make it to 36 weeks stay that way a tad longer.. so so many want your baby. Know that if you do not want that baby drop it at a “safe location”. Those locations are fire stations and hospitals. No one has to know you or see you.
The Bible is clear that in these times there will be laws and such passed that as Christians we should stand against. Its our time to stand up for those babies.. past and present.