Don’t forget to love you Mom….

Hey mom…

Did you wake like I did and look in the mirror… and just wonder where has that girl gone to…

This world.. the place I live has made me feel like I am second best in my own skin.. I criticize every inch of who I am.. what makes me.. ME.

I long on a daily basis to be that girl on the fitness site I follow. I think if only I could have that body that time to workout. Man who would I be if I did.. I wonder who has that time.. what time would I have to wake to get that body before this house wakes and the crazy of each day starts.

I will admit that was me at one time. Overly obsessed with how many push ups how many squats in a days time I could do. Way to in touch with what foods were right and wrong. How many small meals a day I needed to achieve those arms and glutes I wanted. Food became a reward not the thing I needed. I would look in the mirror for minutes at time finding what I could correct next.. what I didn’t like and what needed more work.

I spent more time reading on fitness and food and how to me someone besides… available

I was looking to change the one in the mirror

The girl I had lost and not found. Fitness was my cover. It was the thing that would change me. The thing that would make me feel good again.

I write these things to tell you this mom. Don’t wake up tomorrow wanting to change what made you.. you.

At the start of every new year we say things like “I’m going to workout more” “I’m going to eat right be a healthier me”…

Let this year be different.. Look in that mirror and say things like “I will set goals that fit my family” “I will walk a mile for the next few weeks.. then maybe try and workout”

Don’t set your goals to high.. keep them realistic.. Lets face it moms we don’t have a lot of extra time without kids without spouses (who we all know would rather not workout) without homes to clean clothes to fold bills to pay practice to take kids to.

Through the process take time to start to love you again. Love every angle of who you are who you have become and who your are going to be.

Let this new year be your year..

.Let it not change you… let it renew you.. let it show you how you can be the best you, a healthier you, a you that you can love first.

Fitness for me is something I love and I love to do. My how I would love to be that fitness girl I follow but my reality is I have 3 children.. she does not..

My goal for this year is to be a healthier more fit me.. but to see that I am not that fitness guru.

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