We all have “those” friends that we know we can count on. No matter the time or the day they are always there for us. They know the good, the bad and the ugly about us. But yet still love us for who we are.
Those friends may have been ones there since day one or one that was found during a season in your life and has stuck beside you. Whatever the case may be, they are the one you can depend on.
I have some of “those” friends. Ones that have laughed with me, cried with me, and ones that were found during seasons of my life that I would change but not finding them. Its those friends that I KNOW are always there.
But those friends have not gotten all of me in awhile. They know it and so do I. I always thought when I was younger when you get older you will not need a friend because adults are to busy with life and know it all. I was wrong…. We do need those few that will have our back any day anytime. That girl that you know will hear you even on your worse day when you don’t even know what to say.
In my older years I have come to realize its not the quantity its the quality of the friends. I have learned that its those friends that support you and lift you up that are the best not the ones who want to wallow with you. Its the girl that even when you don’t want to hear it will tell you what you need to hear, in a loving way.
Now to my friends…. I haven’t given a lot of myself to you. There hasn’t been a lot at the end of the day left of me. By the time we tend to kids a house and all else in between we realize we haven’t even had a shower that day. I haven’t been there for you. I haven’t called and checked in, its just been a quick text every now and again. Its been a “hey lets get together” and it never happens.
But you my friends have been there for me. When I felt so alone tending to a never ending sick child it was you that called me. It was you who dropped in and brought me lunch. It was you that realized I wasn’t doing well and would try your best to lift me up. It was you my Godly friends that would tell me “this to shall pass.” It was you my friend that made me realize that I cant do life without that girl I call my “best friend”.
Even when though I have not been the best of friend in awhile you still cheer me on. Its those friends folks that we need to hold tight to. We need those people in our life who want to see us succeed and celebrate those times. Its those people we need in our life that when we are down pick us up and want to see the best from us. Its those friends in life that will love you no matter what and you can pick up with right where you left off no matter how long it has been.
As humans God created us to need and want companionship. We need that one person or persons that we know are there. God tells us in Proverbs 27:9 that “A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” He also reminds us in Proverbs 12:26 to choose carefully because some can lead you astray.
In 2019 I made a promise that I would be more “available” to the ones who love me. Family and friends. Even when my day is not the best to still realize that I have “those” people that still love me no matter how I look or feel inside or outside. Its “those” people that will lift me up, but that I also need to be more uplifting to as well.
As we grow older and seasons in life come and go we sometimes part ways with some that we thought would always be there, but its those friendships that we can pick up where it left off or can always count on that will get us through any stage in our life.
True friendship isn’t about being there when its convenient its about being there when its not.